Thank you for passing on the The Versatile Blogger Award to us, Mariya at Mystifying Paranormal Reviews! and Nina at Brush up on Your Reading Thank you very much!
Once you receive it, you have to thank the blogger who gave it to you, choose 15 bloggers to pass the award on to, and say 7 things about yourself.
Since I'm not the only person managing the blog.
I think it would unfair to just talk about myself here. So I'm not the only person who
should make this 7 things about me. But I'll be dragging Mithee and Lynossa here too~
7 Things about US~!
Red Violet: Kay-c
Dark Green: Mithee
Blue: Lynossa
Black: US
1. I buy books every week~ And I dont care how much all of those cost. As long as I have them in my hands. I dont care if i lost my monthly allowance. That would be my problem at end of the month. But oh well.
2. I love it when it rains. Or i love rainy season. I dunno why. Maybe because i live in a tropical country. Where its always sunny and hot. And i hate summer because of that.
3. I am a drug addict. I love to study drugs; their modes of action, chemical names, structures, etc. They're awesome!
4. I'm pretty random and weird.
5. If I like a book by certain author, I MUST have his/her other books.
6. I like night time more than day; the weather, the mood, the lights that keeps the darkness away, but not enough to show the dirt of a town.
7. We three met as mods in a forum. And since we were forced to communicated with each other due to our responsibilities, we got to know each other a lot and found out the one thing we three have in common. We love books <3>
We're passing this award to:
Black: US
1. I buy books every week~ And I dont care how much all of those cost. As long as I have them in my hands. I dont care if i lost my monthly allowance. That would be my problem at end of the month. But oh well.
2. I love it when it rains. Or i love rainy season. I dunno why. Maybe because i live in a tropical country. Where its always sunny and hot. And i hate summer because of that.
3. I am a drug addict. I love to study drugs; their modes of action, chemical names, structures, etc. They're awesome!
4. I'm pretty random and weird.
5. If I like a book by certain author, I MUST have his/her other books.
6. I like night time more than day; the weather, the mood, the lights that keeps the darkness away, but not enough to show the dirt of a town.
7. We three met as mods in a forum. And since we were forced to communicated with each other due to our responsibilities, we got to know each other a lot and found out the one thing we three have in common. We love books <3>
We're passing this award to:
- Library Mosaic
- Small Review
- The Slowest Bookworm
- Miss Page Turner's City of Books
- Reading Angel
- Anna Reads
- Crazy book Reader
- Bookworm Boulevard
- A Great Read
- Diary of a Book Lover
- Reading Vacation
- A Trillian Books
- Uniquely Moi Books
- As I turn The pages
- A Dream of Books
The Deranged Book Lovers Team~

Gosh!! thanks so much!! :D
Thank. Awards are always nice!
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How about virtual cupcakes in exchange for comments? (^_^)
Update: We're no longer accepting award. It was fun but we have no time to do it, thanks ~ *give cupcakes*