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Monday, December 27, 2010

The Lying Game by Sara Shepard

Author: Sara Shepard

Publisher: HarperTeen from HarperCollins

Rating: 4 Stars.

Sutton Mercer had everything every girl in her age wanted; good look, fame, money, and a handsome boyfriend. But one day she woke up and discovered that she was dead. She could barely remember a thing about her living life and how she died. And to her surprise, she discovered that she had a long-lost twin, Emma. Living a complete different life from Sutton, Emma moved from one foster home to another until she also found out about Sutton.
Disguised herself as Sutton, Emma tried to reveal the mystery of her sister's death. It wasn't an easy task to act as Sutton in front of her family and friends; but she has to do it for Sutton and herself. Because the killer is shadowing her every moves...

Great novel! I'm a fan of thriller and I really like this book. It's intense, mesmerizing, and well-written; a must-read for YA and thriller lovers. Sara Shepard - famously known as the author of Pretty Little Liars - manage to present thriller in high school situation in a neat way. Without too much blood, too much scream, and too much hide-and-seek chase in the dark, but still presenting the intensity of a thriller. The characters are interesting. As I continue my reading, I get to know more about Sutton's friends and sister, and also Sutton herself. But there are so many things still left in the dark which I couldn't helped but playing detective.
As most YA books, this story was presented in first person POV, from Sutton's eyes as she shadowing her twin sister. But we also able to see get insight thought of Emma, something that could gone wrong if it was done poorly, but fortunately it works in this story. The pace was a bit slow at the beginning but gradually picked up the speed from the moment Emma met Sutton's family. Together with Emma and Sutton, I gathered the clues and shards of Sutton's memories. I constantly guessed and wondered who was the culprit? Who killed Sutton and for what reason? I guess I have to wait for the answer till the second book Never Have I Ever comes out on August.
For a YA lovers who gets tired with love triangle, you'll embrace this book wholeheartedly, for thriller lovers who would like to read something less bloody than your usual reading list, you'll enjoy this.



alovelywriterxo said...

-Next time I go to the library, I'm definitely checking this one out. Your reviews keep making me say that to myself! I love the Pretty Little Liar series and then here comes this book. I know what to expect from Sara, and that makes me all the more interested in reading this. Plus, it's supposed to be turned into a TV series, which makes me want to read it even more!

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