Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that pag e
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title, and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Mithee's Teasers:
Josh’s eyes shine. “Anna. Haven’t you ever drunk before?”
“Of course,” I lie. But a blush destroys my cover. They all scream.
“How can you have gone half a school year without drinking?” Rashmi asks.
~Anna and the French Kissby Stephanie Perkins
"Need a poo, Todd."
"Shut up, Manchee."
"Poo. Poo, Todd."
"I said shut it."
~ The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
In case you ask, Manchee is a dog in The Knife of Never Letting Go. It's got a pretty weird writing style -or should I say spelling style? But anyways, both have been awesome so far. I'm really enjoying the two.
Lyn's Teaser Tuesday:
Onto the staircase, slowly, steadily. His feet made no sound. He kept his eyes fixed on the balcony above.
With murder in his heart, he unlatched the door; stepped inside, and pushed it swiftly shut behind him.
Heroes of the Valley by Jonathan Stroud
Post your Teaser Tuesdays links on the comments below so we can return the favor.

Interesting teasers this week :) LOL that last teaser was funny. Here's my teaser
I saw The Knife of Never Letting Go in the bookstore yesterday, and I was debating on whether to get it or not, and now this teaser. Man, I have to return to the bookstore soon!
Here's mine
“How can you have gone half a school year without drinking?” *lol*
Yeah...HOW, Anna??? xD
Honestly I can so relate =)
The second teaser is so cute^^ the style of writing reminds me of Jonathan Safran Foer...don't know why. Will have to check it out.
Heroes of the Valley? Never heard of it...but the teaser is pretty intriguing and the cover is great.
here's my teaser: http://semicrazed.blogspot.com/2010/12/teaser-tuesday-9.html
Knife of Never Letting Go is pretty different in terms of grammar and language but such a good read! I need to hurry up and read the second book.
My teaser is here
Sound good to me!
Teaser Tuesady: Miss Hildreth Wore Brown by Olivia deBelle Byrd
I like the teaser from Hero of the Valley! Here's my teaser from Across the Universe, and I've got a Christmas giveaway, too!
Great teasers, I want to read the Ness book. My teaser is at The Crowded Leaf.
Those were pretty funny! The first book looks right up my alley. My teaser is Here
Here is my teaser from Witchgrass: A Pipe Dream by Dave Wilkinson (Page 1):
Most gardeners hate witchgrass. Of all weeds it is one of the most persistent and adaptable. Any small piece of rhizome left in the soil can become an aggressive plant ready to take over the plot. Witchgrass is hard to pull. Roots are deep, and break off easily. Any part left in the ground will grow again. Farmers say the species isn't even good as hay, not as good as timothy or alfalfa. Some call it quickgrass.
Early New England colonists blamed evil people for this garden invader. In the seventeenth century villagers would speak this way:
"The surly woman living alone on her dead husband's estate. She goes into the woods and consorts with the Devil. Signs his book. Fornicates with him. Eats mushrooms. She and the Devil send witchgrass to harass the virtuous and the Godly. Let us hang this witch and seize her rich farm."
I'm so excited to read Anna and the French Kiss, I hear it's great!
Check out my teaser Tuesday here
I hope that you are enjoying your books. Check out My Teaser for Tuesday.
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How about virtual cupcakes in exchange for comments? (^_^)
Update: We're no longer accepting award. It was fun but we have no time to do it, thanks ~ *give cupcakes*