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Monday, December 20, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (3)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme started by Sheila at Book Journey where we brag showcase the book(s) we're currently reading.
Logic of Demons: The Quest for Nadine's Soul Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Sausages
Lynossa: Currently I'm reading Logic of Demons by H.A Goodman and when I'm done I will start reading galley of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sausages by Tom Holt from NetGalley.

Yesterday I made cornflakes cookies. It's been months since the last time I cook something (beside the usual meal). Perhaps because this is one of my never-fail recipes, the result was great. Everyone in the family likes it.

Post your It's Monday! What Are You Reading? links on the comments below so we can return the favor. ^_^

ps: Don't forget to enter our giveaway (open worldwide) and reading challenge + giveaway! Also, please check out our Author Guest Post by Jennifer Echols. (You may also post your interview / guest post links there.) Have a great day!



Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I have never heard of cornflake cookies but they do look good! Have an awesome week :)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow, those cookies look good! Hope you have a great week....

Here's mine:

(click on my name)

Lydia said...

Mm! Those cookies look great (and the sausages book had me cracking up!)

Crystal (I totally paused!) said...

Love the cover for Logic of Demons! And those cookies look fantastic :)

Have a great week! Mine is at:

Curling up by the Fire said...

I have to laugh as I had cornflake cookies for the first time at a party last night, but these ones had a chocolate cream coating on them. So much for the workout I did yesterday as I ate eight of them.

Have a great weekend!

S (Book Purring) said...

Between the word Sausage in the book title and the cookie picture I may need to go to the kitchen after posting this comment haha!

Here's my What are you reading?

Lynossa (Deranged Book Lovers) said...

@ Sheila, Laurel, & Chrystal: Its really good. You should try it sometimes. If you like baking cookies of course.

@Lydia, I bet it cracked you up even more when you read it. That happened to me everytime I read Tom Holt's books.

@Stephanie, OMG with chocolate cream? *thinking about adding chocolate topping in her cookies*

@Samantha, apparently my subconscious mind detect my hunger, which explain why I post about this book and the cookies, lol.

Jennifer said...

Your cookies look delicious do you mind sharing the recipe? Have a wonderful week reading! My Monday: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/12/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-18.html

BLHmistress said...

Logics of Demons sounds interesting. Can't wait for your review of it. It peeked my interest when I was making my rounds the other day.

Those cookies look yummy too. Happy Monday.

What I'm Reading

Aleetha said...

seems so yummy. It reminds me of some cookies that my mom used to order every Ied. have you tried with choco chip instead of corn?

I love the cover of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sausages. I am waiting your review

my It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

The1stdaughter said...

Okay, the sausage book looks quite hilarious, though it will probably end up being completely serious...right? lol And those cookies, wow! I've never heard of cornflake cookies, I've got to try them some time. Definitely going to look up a recipe!

Have a fabulous reading week, a happy holiday week and if you get a minute stop by to check out what I've been reading at There's A Book!

Lynossa (Deranged Book Lovers) said...

@BHL Mistress, I just finished it a moment ago but the review must wait a bit longer :)

@Aleetha, sometimes I made choco chip cookies as well but I like this one more. Unfortunately I can't write a review of this before the book releases so it will be months from now.

@Theistdaughter, not at all! I haven't read it yet (only the first few pages) Tom Holt is a satire comical novelist. All his books are kinda odd in a funny way.

Teddyree said...

haha Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sausages sounds like a hoot. I love cooking but Cornflake cookies are one I haven't tried yet ... they look great.
Happy reading and enjoy the festivities :)

Jan von Harz said...

Your cookies look yummy. Baking is a fun way to get in he Christmas spirit. Hope you have a great week and a very Merry Christmas

Alayne said...

Yummy coooookies! Nice pics. My post is up at The Crowded Leaf.

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How about virtual cupcakes in exchange for comments? (^_^)
Update: We're no longer accepting award. It was fun but we have no time to do it, thanks ~ *give cupcakes*


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