Since the owners of this blog are international residents, we know how you international bloggers feel about giveaways that are opened to US only. There are quite a lot of international contests and giveaways out there, but not as much as US only giveaways. If you're a hard-working giveaway hunter, you're more likely to find the treasures - I mean the contests. But even so, international contests and giveaways are rather had to find. So basically, in this page, you will find a compilation of book contests and giveaways (some in which we're participating in) that are open worldwide. All you have to do now is click as many links below as you can and enter! ^_^
International Contests & Giveaways
Wordsworth Classics Reading Challenge Giveaways (12/23)
Weekly Giveaways:
Reading Teen:
Second-Hand Saturday
-Aine's Realm:
500 Followers Giveaway (2/18)
-Extreme Reader Book Review:
Big Book Giveaway (2/28)
Beastly (3/2)
-Kelsey Anne's Book Blog:
A Touch of Mortal (3/14)
-Eleusinian Mysteries:
Evercrossed Giveaway (3/19)
Fill out this
FORM if you want your international giveaway on the list. Make sure your giveaway will not be ending less than one week prior to submission of form.
Contests And Giveaways