Celtic Mythology
Compare to Greek, Roman, or Egypt Mythologies, Celtic Mythology could be consider as low profile due to lack of written record related to this mythology. However Celtic Mythology actually had given influences to other mythologies. It was widely believed that Roman 'stole' Lugh, the strongest God in Celt Mythology and transferred it into Jupiter. Either it's true or not, it's still debatable.
I'm the type of person who when I'm taken interest on something, I will find information about it. So I dig info about Druid and it led me to Celtic Mythology and it fascinated me! The Ogham language, the Tree of Life, Shapeshiting ability, leprechaun, Morrigan, Danu, and of course, Druids.
So for the next 10 days let's celebrate Celtic Mythology with me! There will be authors talking about their favorite mythology and for every book I review during this event, there will be giveaways!
Just love this time of year!
Awesome idea for an event! I can't wait to see what else will be posted!
I haven't read too many books on Celtic Mythology but it has interested me, I am so excited to be able to learn more about the different mythologies with this festival.
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How about virtual cupcakes in exchange for comments? (^_^)
Update: We're no longer accepting award. It was fun but we have no time to do it, thanks ~ *give cupcakes*